5 Things to Avoid
by MN
¨ Aspartame
·Commonly found in diet soda and gum.
·Same chemical structure of rat poison.
·Rejected by FDA for 16 years until CEO of creator became Gov’t official.
·Causes weight gain—insulin response.
¨ Monosodium Glutamate—MSG
·Excites brain neurons to death=headaches.
·Found in packaged savory foods, salad dressings, chain restaurant food.
·Listed under different names: hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, whey protein, natural flavoring spices, enzymes, autolyzed yeast extract, stock, broth, and carrageenan.
¨ High Fructose Corn Syrup
·Metabolized to fat far more rapidly than any other sugar. Increases appetite.
·Leaches Minerals and nutrients from your body.
·The average American consumed 56 pounds of HFCS in 2007. Soda is the single biggest source of HFCS in the American diet - 17 teaspoons for a 20-ounce bottle.
¨ Soy
·Soy mimics estrogen (bio-identical hormones produced from soy).
·Too much estrogen in the body. . .cancer, moodiness, menstrual cycle problems.
·High phytate levels –pytates suppress thyroid function
·Developmental challenges in young children
·Very high pesticide content as most soy is from genetically modified crops.
¨ Partially Hydrogenated (Trans) Oils/Fats
·Found heavily in packaged and fast food.
·Linked to heart disease.
· Prolongs shelf life is why used.
·May soon be banned in Canada.